City Forest Renewal: Vista

City of Vista

The City of Vista, is located in the northwestern part of San Diego County. Vista has a unqiue tree ordinance that puts right of way tree care in the resident’s hands. This project will be a collaboration with the public willing to help communicate removals and replanting sites.

DAC/SDAC Maps – Vista

Disadvantages Communities (DACs) & Severely Disadvantaged Communities (SDAC) are determined by Median Household Income Data. Projects funded through Prop 68 funding require a majority of funds to go to DACs/SDACs.

Map or image above

Tree Removals 

The City of Vista will remove dead/diseased/hazardous trees from their City through this project. The map will represent the location in which trees were removed. 

Map or image above

Tree Replacements 

In exchange for grant funded removals, the City of Vista will plant two trees for every one tree removed. The city will be enhancing park spaces and reaching out to residents interested in planting trees in their parkway.

When trees are planted and data is collected, maps will be uploaded.

Map or image above